Diagnosis TechnologyIn the second half of the 19thcentury, a variety of audiometerswere invented....

NominationStarkey Hearing Technologies has announced that its Senior Vice President, Brandon Sawalich, has been elected...
TrainingResearchers from the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, International...

EducationEducation HQ Australia recently interviewed Sharon Klieve, Course Coordinator of the University of Melbourne’s Masters...

TrainingThe Interacoustics Academy, Interacoustics' technological knowledge centre specialized in audiological and vestibular training, has announced...

SafetyPink noise, which sounds similar to white noise, is being used by carmaker Mercedes-Benz to...

HollywoodFollowing a whirlwind few weeks of ceremonies, nominations and awards, the sound mixer for the...

ApproachIn the last decade, family-centred care (FCC) hasbecome a successful model in healthcare, and isbecoming...

STATISTICSAs the number of surveys increase and thecountries grow, the EuroTrak reports start toprovide meaningful...

INTERVIEW“Our current knowledge allows for differential diagnosesto establish, with full certainty and without usingsophisticated technology,...

SSHLUK hearing healthcare professional Duncan Collet-Fenson waschosen as the 2016 European Audiologistof the Year. This...

RecruitmentPC Werth is pleased to welcome Lindsey Auffret – anew Business Development Manager to their...

AppointmentUS audiometric instrumentation company Grason-Stadler (GSI) announced the appointment of Amy Yanta as the leading...

ConsumersAt the IFA preview in early July 2016 in Hamburg, ReSound Germany Executive Director Joachim...

AppointmentIn a press release dated January 17, Grason-Stadler Inc. has announced that Tony Lombardo, MS,...

TrendsThe National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), within the US National Institutes...

AOTY 2017The prestigious competition is celebrating ten years of recognising industry excellence....

ReimbursementOn December 2, the French government announced measures aimed at improving access to care for...

CI40 years ago, Professor Claude-Henri Chouard performed the first cochlear implant. It was on September...

NominationTorryn P. Brazell, MS, CAE has been nominated the new Executive Director and Chief Operating...

eventThe 13th annual conference for the British Academy of Audiology (BAA) starts at the Scottish...

PolicyThe Healthy Staffordshire Select Committee has voted unanimously to refer North Staffs hearing aid provision...

ProjectsThe non-profit Ida Institute, funded by a grant from the Oticon Foundation, recently released an...

AOTY 2016Duncan Collet-Fenson of Aston Hearing Services in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, claimed the coveted title of...

RehabilitationIn a survey of 200 patients of a NHS tinnitus & hyperacusis therapy specialist clinic,...

AOTY 2016For the third time in four years, PeterFerguson of Ferguson’s Hearing AidClinic in Limerick...

AOTY 2016Duncan Collet-Fenson fromAston Hearing Services in Buckinghamshire joined a familyrunbusiness 18 years ago and...
NominationGregory W. Randolph, MD, is the new president of the American Academy of Otolaryngology -...

Country focusRecent years haveseen the countrytaking steps towardsincreasingly bettercare of its hearing losspatients, with not...

Call for applicationsThe Hear the World Foundation calls for applications for the eight annual Judith...