ReportCR Consumer Reports, an independent, nonprofit member organization that works with consumers for truth, transparency,...

WorkshopThe Ida Institute recently held a workshop bringing together people with hearing loss, hearing care...

LaunchANSAA has been recently created in Spain as a non-profit organisation by Amplifon, Audifon, Cottet,...

WorkplaceMore than half of the people living with hearing loss feel they can’t be open...

PediatricsOticon announces the launch of KIPA to expand access to the resources of the knowledge...

GuidelineThe National Institute for Clinical Excellence have released the ‘Guidance on Hearing Loss in Adults:...

AppA new app, called SoundPrint, has been developed to help people record sound levels at...

NoiseA new method for assessing auditory fitness in people working in public safety areas, such...

AdvocacyAn audiology student at the University of Texas – Dallas (UT Dallas) has started a...

AOTY 2018With the 6th July deadline fast approaching, the countdown is on for hearing professionals...

TRAININGThe webinars are developed and presented in close collaboration with renowned international experts. The goal...

TelemedicineAustralia-based company Spokle Group has launched a speech therapy app in Indonesia to promote telemedicine,...

BSAElizabeth Midgley tookover as Chair of the BritishSociety of Audiologyin June 2016, so she isnearing...

TrainingThe British Tinnitus Association (BTA) are proud and excited to be involved in bringing back...

TrendsEye glasses are available in all possible shapes, models and colors. But when it comes...

GDPRIn the first installment of this series, Geoffrey Cooling provided an overview of the new...

GDPRThe safest thing to do with GDPR is err on the side of caution. Make...

FellowshipThe recipient of the 2018/19 Judith Gravel Fellowship in Pediatric Audiology is Hayley Schultz, a...

LegislationSenator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Rand Paul have introduced S.2575, the Audiology Patient Choice Act,...

OTCIn February, EvoluPharm announced that “AUDIBEST by Louis”, supposedly “the first over-the-counter presbycusis device reimbursed...

ReportThe Ear Foundation recently released a report on the Ida Institute Telecare for Teens and...

AOTY 2018The prestigious Audiologist of the Year competition, now in its eleventh year, invites patients...

CollaborationsThe Ida Institute has announced the establishment of new partnerships with the British Society of...

GDPRThe General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the EU’s new legislationto protect the personal data...

NominationThe Hearing Industries Association (HIA) Board of Directors announced the appointment of Jane Reese-Coulbourne as...

ScholarshipsCochlear has revealed the winners of the 16th annual Graeme Clark and the seventh annual...

CollaborationsThe Ida Institute and Action on Hearing Loss have formed a partnership to expand opportunities...

AOTYThe prestigious Audiologist of the Year competition, now in its eleventh year, invites patients from...

ApplicationsThe Ida Institute Research Committee is now accepting proposals for research projects that investigate outcomes...

FittingOtometrics A/S announced on January 9 the results of a new integration with hearing instrument...

ToolsIda Institute has announced the launch of Getting Started with Person-Centered Care, a new online...

FiguresAccording to a study published in the journal Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore...

ReportThe Ear Foundation has released a new report that confirms the benefits the Ida Institute’s...

PortraitSøren Hougaard began his career in the hearing world in 1984, at Danish firm Widex....

MagazineAudio Infos No. 59 acknowledges the success of minimally-invasive surgery through microtechnology in operations performed...

NominationOticon has announced the appointement of Thomas Behrens as Chief Audiologist. Thomas Behrens, Head of...

Too expensive?The New York Times recently ran an interesting piece on why hearing aids are...

ManufacturersIt was with great sadness that Widex announced the passing away of Erik Westermann, who...

TrendsVice-president of global medical affairs at GN ReSound and a former president of theAmerican Academy...

Customer satisfactionSince 2010, Germany's hearing aid manufacturers have been inviting hearing aid dispensers to participate...

euha2017On Friday, August 18, the over the counter (OTC) debate, that has been raging since...

AOTY 2017Robert Beiny, an audiologist at the Hearing Healthcare Practice in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, claimed the...

Euha2017Geoffrey Cooling, regular contributor to Audio Infos United Kingdom, shares with us some insights on...

Audio InfosOur first issue of this ‘term’ features apreview of the first Autumn conference, taking...

SupportChicago-based Beltone, part of the GN Hearing Care Group, announced in mid-September that they will...