cinema Deafness brought filmmaker Luis Buñuel despair and isolation. Barely tackled in his acclaimed...

awareness Twenty grants of up to US$800 for action ideas to celebrate World Hearing Day 2020 (March...

invention The Austria-based global cochlear implant firm MED-EL has launched its third annual children's...

children A pioneering recent study among Northern Territory (NT) aboriginal children in Australia has...

cochlear implants Professor Laura Viani, the founder of Ireland's National Cochlear Implant Programme has...

environment Plastic cotton buds—for long used inadvisably for ear cleaning—have been banned by the...

hearing apps Audiologists from Australia's Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital (RBWH) have helped update...

communication Swiss hearing aid manufacturer Sonova has won seven major international awards—not for technology, not...

solidarity An under-the-radar US volunteer brigade of ENT specialists has this month given some 400...

innovation Inventors as young as seven and eight-years-old have impressed the Austrian hearing tech firm...

communication If one particular emoji has been conspicuously lacking to date from all electronic messaging...

solidarityThe troubles in Venezuela may wreck hearing treatment for a group of 21-hearing-disabled Venezuelans just...

Lobbying All the big players in medical technology have been topped by Starkey-related political contributions...

AssociationsThe AICE Federation (Spanish Association of Cochlear Implant Users) held its annual awards ceremony at...

GuidelinesThe World Health Organization (WHO) has released new guidelines for Europe "strongly" recommending noise exposure...

ProjectA pediatric audiology consultant and speech-language pathologist working in Brooklyn, New York (USA) recently produced...

Sound levelThe French government recently published a decree reinforcing noise and sound regulations for music...