Love story film project about deaf girl crowdfunds for finance


A fledgling film project steered by a director from Essex, UK, is seeking funding to tell the tale of a young deaf woman in love.

Love story film project about deaf girl crowdfunds for finance

Director and writer, Claudia Grace McKell, has based her film—“Just a Girl”— on family friend, Rachel Wells, a cochlear implant user who suffers from mitochondrial hearing loss. The film also stands up for women competing in the combat sport of karate, in which the young director has been a champion.

“‘Just A Girl’ will provide a platform for a young voice to be heard, depicting an invisible community, which has struggled within an impatient society for years. The film aims to embrace the deaf community as well as highlighting the resilience it has”, reads the description on the crowdfunding pitch posted by McKell.

The director’s childhood friend, Rachel, suffers from other conditions that mean she has spells during which she cannot walk but, according to McKee, it is her friend’s lack of hearing that causes her most problems.

The project seeks the modest sum (in filmmaking terms) of £5,000 by May 7 for full production to go ahead.

Source: Essex County Standard


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