THE GREAT OUTDOORS - 2023/24 Conferences BSA Scientific Meeting

The British Society of Audiology (BSA) is calling its 2023 annual event a scientific meeting rather than a conference, to highlight the group’s nature as “the learned society in the UK, not a professional body putting on an event”. Watch Audiology Worldnews and our Twitter account (@AudioWorldnews) for info on the key audiology events planned for 2023 in the UK and abroad.

Published on 30 May 2023

THE GREAT OUTDOORS – 2023/24 Conferences BSA Scientific Meeting

British Society of Audiology (BSA) Scientific Meeting : Birmingham Conference and Events Centre (BCEC). June 5 and June 6, 2023

An evening dedicated to poster viewing is complemented by the showcasing of the best of the BSA: its special interest groups and their outputs such as recommended procedures. Each of the special interest groups are presenting at the event. There are traditional lectures but also case studies and panel sessions.

The first day offers presentations in the following areas: clinical needs and priorities in tinnitus and hyperacusis; OAE; APD; the causes of listening difficulties in children; visual reinforcement audiometry; paediatric vestibular assessment and rehabilitation; rehabilitation through deep technology.

June 6 brings another full day of enticing opportunities to increase knowledge, covering hearing aid fittings; a five-year UK action plan for hearing loss and tinnitus research to improve hearing health; foundations of the BCMED SIG and outcomes of the departmental survey / three Case studies about BCME devices (3 centres from England, Scotland & Wales); clinical considerations and outcome expectations for the BC and ME Devices; development of the BCMED SIG; Dementia Specialist Network; Deaf awareness, accessibility and communication in the NHS.

More info and registration here.

Source: BSA
