AWN AAA Special Issue: Faster! Faster! Intelligence won´t wait


Columbus OH. 2019. Look around you as the conferencethrongs and sparkles, spreading intelligence at this world’sbiggest annual American gathering of audiologists.

AWN AAA Special Issue: Faster! Faster! Intelligence won´t wait

Renamed “TheBest of Audiology”, but once called “NOW!”. Not any more.Not in a world where the now is gone before you canchange your hearing aid batteries!

Audiology Worldnews special issue

In science and commerce, the very concept you almostgrasped yesterday will by this evening be at least renamed,if not wholly rethought. Out to capture that zeitgeist, thisspecial print edition of Audiology Worldnews highlightsnews for professionals who meet Einstein’s definition ofintelligence measured by the ability to change: big datause in Samsung’s app uSound to remotely test hearingvia cellphone; lightning-fast processing speed achievedby Oticon’s feedback-stifling OpnS™; a US Navy labjust down the road in Ohio recreating aircraft carrieracoustics for research; and, as more political rows loomover universal healthcare, we look at a stellar conferencedebate on the realities of trying to make Medicare work foraudiologists and their patients.

AAA conferences are known for their far-sightedness, soit is fitting, as program chair Erin Miller points out to us,that an improv team helps kick off this event, underliningthe need for sharp ability to adapt. But take heart also indiscovering that while hearing aids are now adjusted toour preferences by artificial intelligence (which will probablysoon be writing these editorials), AI still needs to ask humanintelligence what is what, new apps are still invented bystudents in remote Latin American provinces, and changeis still a dynamic nourished at grass roots level.

Audiology Worldnews boasts an experienced teamof journalists for our global website and internationalpublications. You can subscribe to a local edition inGermany, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy andThe Netherlands. And why not follow us on Twitter @AudioWorldnews.

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