ENT World Congress: Pediatric Otology

ENT World Congress

Conferences related to this subject during the ENT World Congress in Paris:

This requires a different approach than with adults,and so should be discussed. Join the consensusconference on the management of otitis mediawith effusion in children.Wednesday, June 28, 14h, room 351, RECO 02

The use of NSAID is increasingly discussed. French recommendationscan offer insight on their correct use in ENT infections in children.Tuesday, June 27, 10h,Amphi Bordeaux, OT KL02

Another important aspect will be discussed in a consensusconference: audiological assessment of hearing loss in children.Wednesday, June 28, 8h30, Bordeaux Amphitheatre, AU ICONO 01

Several conferences are offered on the issue of audiologicalevaluation in very young children and universal newbornscreening.Sunday, June 25, 9h, room 342b, AU KL 10Sunday, June 25 11h, room 343, AU SYMPO 01

Cytomegalovirus and hearing loss: toward a preventivetreatment?Monday, June 26, 15h, room 242a, PE SYMPO 11

Read the complete article on our Audiology Worldnews’ flipbook article here:

By Dr. Elisabeth Mamelle,AP-HP, GH Pitié-Salpétriere, Oto-rhino-laryngologydepartment, Unit of Otology, Auditory Implants and SkullBase Surgery, Paris, France, and member of the SFORL.

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