Tinnitus UK appoints interim CEO

Leadership challenge for world-leading charity is crucial to supporting tinnitus sufferers.

Peter WIX, Published on 10 April 2024

Tinnitus UK appoints interim CEO

Tinnitus UK has a new interim Chief Executive Officer. He is Robin Greenwood, former full-time international programmes director of the poverty-fighting charity Christian Aid.

“Robin will lead the team while a permanent CEO is recruited,” Tinnitus UK reports. Mr. Greenwood has served as a CEO, trustee and senior executive in his career in strategy and change leadership. “He has a deep commitment to making a positive difference in people’s lives,” says the hearing health charity.

Lynne Gillon, Chair of Tinnitus UK, said: “The Trustees and I welcome Robin and look forward to working with him. We look forward to his leadership to help us continue our important work supporting people living with tinnitus while continuing the search for a cure.”

Mr. Greenwood himself adds: “I am honoured to join Tinnitus UK and lead them in the fight against tinnitus. I am committed to taking the charity forward, focusing on the needs of the tinnitus community and renewing our commitment to research.”

Former CEO of Tinnitus UK, Caroline Savage, left her post in February, 2024 after one year in office.

Source: Tinnitus UK


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