BSHAA invites audiologists to join debate on the future of hearing health

The Hearing Health Report launched by Specsavers on June 27 will be aired in face-to-face panel discussions in Edinburgh and Belfast, with free registration for anyone in the audiology sector.

Peter WIX, Published on 17 July 2024

BSHAA invites audiologists to join debate on the future of hearing health

A big, potentially game-changing debate on better ways for audiology to take care of hearing health was begun at the end of June when the Hearing Health Report – It’s Time to Talk About Hearing – was launched by the retail optometry and audiology group, Specsavers. Like all campaigns it needs to snowball to success, so debates around its content can prove critical moments.

Well-known voices endorsed the initiative’s calls on politicians to listen to plans for a community audiology service to be backed by the UK Government as a primary care delivery mechanism. Among figures featured in the report is pivotal hearing researcher Professor Kevin Munro, Ewing Professor of Audiology at the University of Manchester.

Now the professional association BSHAA (British Society for Hearing Aid Audiologists) is encouraging all professionals in the audiology sector to take advantage of complimentary registration for two regional, face-to-face panel discussions at the organisation’s ongoing Roadshows, first at The Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland on Saturday July 20, and the second in Belfast, Northern Ireland on September 27.

“Whether you are an independent audiologist, work in the NHS (National Health Service), or a multi-site hearing care provider your voice will be heard,” states the BSHAA, urging “immediate action required! The future of hearing care is now!”

At the Edinburgh event on Saturday July 20, Prof. Munro himself will chair a panel of leading representatives from audiology. The debate on the future of hearing health will be open to questions from the audience.

BSHAA’s Belfast Roadshow will provide a second face-to-face opportunity for discussion before Specsavers holds a presentation of findings in November at the House of Commons.


5.3m people in denial over their hearing loss


Carina Hummel, Specsavers Audiology MD says, “There is no one place to access data on trends in hearing health and patient behavior, so Specsavers commissioned studies for UK and Ireland to give us an accurate view of need within the UK audiology sector – from ear wax removal services and hearing protection through to the hearing loss journey stages.”

Results from those studies fill the Hearing Health Report, such as its identification of 5.3m people in the UK who are in the denial phase about their hearing difficulties. “This represents a huge opportunity for the industry to work together to reduce this number and the length of time people wait to seek help, which can be seven to ten years,” said Hummel.

BSHAA,Specsavers,Hearing Health Report,UK audiology,Prof. Kevin Munro

Rob Donnan
President of BSHAA

But the need for debate to grow and fire enthusiasm is clearly underlined by this involvement from one of the UK’s key audiology groupings, BSHAA, whose President Rob Donnan understands the chance to debate as a key moment: “This event represents a fantastic, not to be missed opportunity for our members to contribute to the important conversations Specsavers are encouraging about the future of hearing care. We urge all our members and colleagues to come along and participate in the debate.”





BSHAA is offering complimentary registration to everyone in the audiology sector. Non-members and guests should visit here. Members can book here.

Edinburgh Event Details:

  • Date: Saturday, July 20 2024
  • Location: The Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh
  • Keynote Speakers: Professor Kevin Munro and Dr. Rakesh Chopra
  • Panel Discussion: Chaired by Professor Kevin Munro with distinguished representatives from both the public and private sector.
  • Professional Guests: Fiona Campbell, HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) and Andrew Ormerod, CPDMe
  • Special Guests: Phil and Jodie Ounsley – ‘Fury’ from ITV’s Gladiators and presenter for Team GB at the Paralympics 2024 in Paris.


About BSHAA:



The British Society of Hearing Aid Audiologists (BSHAA) is the professional body dedicated to representing and promoting the interests of independent hearing aid audiologists in the UK and internationally. BSHAA provides its members with professional development opportunities, advocacy, member benefits and support to ensure the highest standards of hearing care for our clients.

About Professor Kevin Munro:


BSHAA,Specsavers,Hearing Health Report,UK audiology,Prof. Kevin Munro

©Bernadette Delaney Photography
Professor Kevin Munro

Prof. Munro is Ewing Professor of Audiology, at the University of Manchester and honorary Consultant Clinical Scientist at Manchester NHS Foundation Trust. He is the national director of the NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Research for Patient Benefit programme, a regional research programme that funds awards that result in relatively rapid patient and public benefit. Until taking up the NIHR post, he was Director of the Manchester Centre for Audiology and Deafness (ManCAD), Deputy Director of the NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and theme lead for Hearing Health.

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