Phonak Infinio - What's in the name, INFINIO?

How does a company arrive at a name for a hearing aid? It is not a simple process, says the Phonak brand Commercial Enablement Manager, Lena Kyman.

Peter WIX, Published on 04 November 2024

Phonak Infinio – What’s in the name, INFINIO?

Having a different initial letter for hearing aid names is just part of the process of landing on a satisfactory moniker for the product. Ruling out P (that was Paradise), and L (Lumity), and all previous hearing aid names is only a small part of arriving at I…for Infinio.

Phonak’s Commercial Enablement Manager, Lena Kyman, explains why the brand chose INFINIO for its latest hearing aids. The name hints at the product’s infinite possibilities, says the marketing expert. But even Lena gets lost in the mysteries of the naming operation.

Watch this video of Lena Kyman’s description of what is in that name, Infinio:

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