Elvis - who is everything but a hound dog - is a two-year-old black, tan, and white cocker spaniel. He was born into a litter of six on May 9 2021, weighing just 358g. He has two sisters and three brothers. He went to live with his partner Chloe and her husband in November 2022.

Elvis is our latest PIN-UP dog from Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.
About Elvis (from his volunteer puppy trainer Bev)
“Elvis was with me from eight weeks until he was just over a year old. He was an absolute pleasure to have from day one – a very bright, gentle boy who was extremely quick to learn.”
“He was always friendly with other dogs and absolutely adored children of any age. He loved nothing more than being cuddled. If anyone walked in the door they would be greeted by a very waggy tail and he would always pick up the nearest object to him to bring you as a greeting. Elvis was rarely seen without a teddy in his mouth, unless there was a ball or a chunky stick around.”
© Bev Macartney Elvis at seven weeks.
About Elvis (from his volunteer soundwork trainer Claire)
“Elvis was a star from day one, and at times much smarter than us! Our role was to teach him to alert to sounds, just before he moved to his deaf partner. He was very well trained and never tired of doing more training (because training meant treats!). To catch your attention he would nudge you to say ‘Look I’m sitting nicely! Now I’m lying down! Look I’m sitting again!”
“He gave us hours of entertainment with his cheeky nature, and we always had lovely cuddles with him at the end of the day.”
About Elvis (from Chloe, his partner)
“Elvis definitely suits his moniker – he has a gorgeous mop of hair on his head and often gets his lip stuck under his teeth, so he looks quite like the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll!”
“He’s very cheeky and loves long hikes with his family, and swimming. He is best known in our family for his lovely cuddles and for curling up with us on the sofa at the end of the day.”
© Hearing Dogs for Deaf People “Elvis often gets his lip stuck under his teeth, so he looks quite like the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.”
Elvis’s partner
Elvis’s partner is 29-year-old Chloe, who was born with bilateral profound deafness. She had hearing aids until the age of 18, when she had a cochlear implant fitted.
Chloe studied Psychology at university, before joining the NHS. She works full-time as a Data and Insight Lead in London and, twice a week, takes the train and then the tube to work.
Chloe said: “Before I had Elvis, when I was home alone, I would take my cochlear implant off because it freaked me out hearing sounds and not being able to identify them. Now I can take it off and I know I’m safe.”
“When my husband’s working away, I let Elvis sleep on the bed next to me. Just knowing he’s there and will let me know if anything happens, is very reassuring.”
© Hearing Dogs for Deaf People Elvis’ partner, Chloe: “I’d never had a dog before I got Elvis. Now I can’t imagine life without him!”
“Now I have Elvis I’ve also been able to go shopping for the first time in ages. I used to always shop online because I found it hard to approach people in shops for help. I didn’t feel comfortable going into changing rooms because I was worried someone might walk in on me, or that a fire alarm might go off and everyone would leave the building without me knowing.”
Ever since Chloe came out of the cloakroom at work to find her colleagues evacuating the building because the fire alarm had gone off, the thought of not hearing a fire alarm is her biggest fear. “Now I have Elvis, I’m so much more relaxed, because he will let me know.”
“I’d never had a dog before I got Elvis. Now I can’t imagine life without him!”
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Source: Hearing Dogs for Deaf People/Audiology News UK issue 07 March-April 2024