ENT World Congress: Surgical program: securing the act, assessing practices and technical innovations

ENT World Congress

Conferences related to this subject during the ENT World Congress in Paris:

Managing hearing loss: deciding between hearing aid andsurgery. This round table chaired by Bruno Frachet and LeopoldoCordero is the opportunity to hear the opinion of different expertson the topic.Sunday, June 25, 9h30, room 342B, AU RT 02

The role of non-technical skills in intraoperative performance:a conference by Noël Garabédian and George Youngson in whichthey will present how to optimize your surgical procedures.Saturday, June 24, 14h, Bordeaux Amphitheatre, EDU KL 01

What type of tympanoplasty for what type of perforation:this audiovisual session facilitated by two English surgeonswill give you an opportunity to improve your reconstructionchoices depending on the location and aspect of the tympanoossicularchain.Monday, June 26, 7h, room 342A, OT COURSE 07

If you want to go deeper in this topic, go to the Round Tableon the success factors of myringoplasty.Monday, June 26, 15h, room 342B, OT RT 07

An international Round Table on ossiculoplasty will offer anoverview of the surgical tips and pitfalls which can positivelychange or compromise your functional result.Sunday, June 25, 15h, OT RT 15

Getting started with endoscopic ear surgery:Daniele Marchioni offers an overview of thebasics of this technique.Sunday, June 25, 14h, room Maillot, OT KL 11

Balloon catheter dilatation of Eustachian tube: what resultscan be expected?Monday, June 26, 15h, room 342A, OT-CONTRO05

Cholesteatoma is presented under differentangles in a number of courses:

A fi rst course will offer a pathophysiology of cholesteatoma,how they can be classifi ed, and what surgical approach offersoptimal results. This comprehensive course will concludepresenting innovative techniquesSunday, June 25, 7h, room 343, OT COURSE 18

What surgical techniques are indicated for what types ofcholesteatoma: rehabilitation of open techniques, transmeatalatticotomy and the management of intrapetrous cholesteatoma.Monday, June 26, 7h, room 253, OT CONTRO 08

The follow-up care of cholesteatoma patients is crucial giventhe risk of residual cholesteatoma or relapse. A controversesession will analyze 250 cases to understand how to recognizerisks early on and guide the management of patients requiringrevision surgery.Monday, June 26, 14h, room 341, OT COURSE 03

Read the complete article on our Audiology Worldnews’ flipbook article here:

By Dr. Elisabeth Mamelle,AP-HP, GH Pitié-Salpétriere, Oto-rhino-laryngologydepartment, Unit of Otology, Auditory Implants and SkullBase Surgery, Paris, France, and member of the SFORL.